The SAM graduation took all morning, and M ended up playing a lot both during rehearsal and on stage, but she still had a private lesson at around 3 pm. I thought M deserved a little break, so I suggested to her teacher that they sight-read the duets from Read This First that M and I worked on yesterday, because M finds this so much fun.
They did, and M did a nice job. Her teacher praised her for trying to figure out the notes when she wasn’t certain, rather than just guessing.
When they had played two duets, M’s teacher suggested she try a version of Pachelbel’s canon in D that’s much further along in the book. M was game for it, so our assignment is to work on two relatively easy 4-bar sections. If it goes well, M might get a chance to play it with some of her teacher’s more-advanced students.
This is a nice challenge for M.